Testimonial 3

I’ve been playing acoustic guitar since my teenage years but have always felt limited in terms of my technical
ability and the type of music I play – I always seemed to be strutting the same old stuff and lacked inspiration.

Those first few hours with Kevin were a revelation and opened my mind to a whole new world of techniques,
theory and appreciation of musical styles. It was immediately obvious how limited my knowledge and skills
were. Kevin has with great patience and expertise taught me to play a greater range of music and introduced
me to a myriad of techniques to improve my playing.

I feel so much more confident in my abilities to the point where I can now tackle a wide range of songs and styles.
I constantly feel inspired to progress and this is due to Kevin’s approach. His knowledge and skills are extensive and I’ve yet to ask him something he doesn’t know or can’t show me.

It’s a real pleasure learning with Kevin and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to anyone, no matter how
much or little they know, to help improve their ability and most of all, enjoyment of guitar playing.